Broken Promises,
Normally I don't much care what other posters have to say in jest, but I was really offended by your sarcastic remark directed toward me. I assume your "humorous little aside" is your way of calling me a "liar" - which I feel is impolite, unfair and undeserved.
As editor of an ex-JW website with a clearly identified email address and a contact form, I get messages almost every day from former brothers and sisters, and/or their family members, looking for help or wanting to tell their personal stories. I do my best to put them in contact with someone that can help them. In some cases I publish their stories on
Occasionally I'll get a tip that something is happening in the background, sometimes at WT HQ or within a local congregation. In most cases, if I jump over here or to, I find that someone has already posted information that covers that tip and confirms it. On the other hand, if I don't get additional confirmation, I hold off publishing anything about it until I can post a request for more information.
The aforementioned tipster is not a JW or ex-JW, but a researcher based in the San Francisco Bay Area. He stumbled across this court filing in the course of doing his research about another aspect of the Watchtower Society. He has not fully identified himself to me, but we have exchanged several emails. In his last email to me he gave me his OK to publish the copy of the court filing he found during his research. In fact he wrote:
"Why would you posting it bother me or my project? its a public document that anyone can get at the courthouse, so post away, i dont know any of these people so therefore there is no reason to black out any names, as i said i was just doing some research is all and came across this . . ."
So in my next posting here, I will try to post a link to a copy of that filing for anyone here who is interested in reading it. It's quite interesting and names most of the people involved. Remember that this filing took place on August 31, 2010, so I suspect very little action has been taken in the case. According to my tipster:
"NO ONE AT THE JW's HEADQUARTERS KNOWS ABOUT THIS AT ALL!!!!! Not even their legal department according to XXXXX, it's as if someone is keeping it hush hush. I mean the date on the filing is August 31, nearly three weeks ago, and if the legal department does not know about this, that means maybe, someone is intentionally not telling them. But then that would make sense cause the service desk is one of the departments being sued and they control all incoming mail and phone calls . . ."
While I don't really expect it, I would appreciate an apology, "Broken Promises," just this once. Maybe I'll give you a pass in the future if I fail to backup my claims. Maybe I'm being too sensitive, but I think this is a subject that many forum members might be interested in, it's current
Watch for the link with the filing papers - coming soon...
JV (aka ExJWdotCommie)